
Wow...I'm Still Bad at This

FINALLY!  I'm writing a new post.  Yes, I realize it's been almsot a month, but I beat the month mark by one day!  Good for me.

School has been so amazing this far!  I've learned so much and I'm glad I don't suck at it.  I've done perms, colors, scalp treatments, cuts, styles TONS of stuff!  I've been a bit sick the past couple weeks with strep throat, so I've gotten a little behind on hours but I'm totally working on making those back up, and it will be a lot easier once I'm actually out on the floor. 

And, now that I think about it, I start taking clients in 3 weeks!  I'm nervous kinda!  But hopefully it will be okay.  I think one of the main things I need to work on while I'm in school is my confidence.  I need to make myself believe that I know what I'm doing and that I'm actually good at it.  It's hard because I've never really been good at anything school related - so this is a change for me that I'm trying to get used to.  :)

One other thing, I have the most exciting news on EARTH that I want to tell EVERYBODY.  This picture here might give you a clue....

You guessed it!  I have an opportunity, it's probably like 80-90% sure, to do an apprenticeship with Nick Arrojo in his salon in New York City!  I have an old, dear friend, named Shea, you might recognize her from a ton of different photo shoots she's done and some commercials and such.  But anywho - she's great - we've always stayed in contact somewhat since she left Iowa to go to New York to pursue her modeling career.  Anywho...we were talking the other night on Facebook, and apparently she's way good friends with Nick and his wife. 

If any of you don't know who Nick Arrojo is, you'll most likely recognize him from his appearances on What Not to Wear as the main hairstylist on that show. 

So Shea and I were talking, and I told her that my dream would be to move to New York after I graduate and do an apprenticeship at a salon out there.  She continued to tell me that Nick has an AMAZING program that lasts anywhere between 1 & 3 years and that she is totally going to refer me!  She's had a few of her friends do his program and I guess it's just awesome.  I can't wait!

So what my plan is, is that I'm just going to keep going to school, and try my absolute hardest to be the best of the best here.  I need to work on my confidence and skills so I can actually be good when I go out there.  But Shea said she's going to try to set me up a "work-day" at his studio so I can go meet everyone at the salon and kind of get the hang of how things are run out there.  (Hopefully I'll be doing a lot of blogging that week!!!).  She also knows a few owners of a few other salons in New York and hopefully I'll be able to go tour their salons too! 

I freaking love New York.  I've ALWAYS wanted to live there, at least for a year or two.  Maybe not permanently but it's always been something I've wanted to do in my life and I'm so grateful that I finally have an actual opportunity to do it! 

So...that is something that I will DEFINITELY be keeping all of you updated about.  I really want this to happen so I need a lot of support to reach my goal.  Please help me you guys!!! 

Well.  I'm going to do something productive here at school like work on my portfolio while I'm here in the break room.  Sorry this post has been so late!  I promise that I will work on this and be better at it.  PROMISE!

1 comment:

  1. Um....that FREAKING rocks! All I've ever wanted in life is for Nick to do my hair! Ok maybe that's not all I've ever wanted in life but all I've ever wanted for my hair was for Nick to do it! Seriously if you do this internship you are doing my hair for the rest of my life!
